雷妮拉 herself seemed to be the object of desire for both Krysten and her uncle, Daeron Targaryen. Regardless of her own feelings towards these two suitors, she was burdened with the responsibility of uniting their respective families through marriage. According to King Viserys I's wishes, she was betrothed to Ser Lenoir in order to merge their powerful houses and end their centuries-long feud.
This union had been a shocking turn of events in the series thus far. Krysten's actor explained his character's breakdown at the wedding ceremony to Entertainment Weekly: "I don't think he wanted any kind of conflict at this wedding," he said. "If there is one difference, it is that he wanted him away from everyone as much as possible." He continued by saying that his character didn't seek conflict but instead sought escape from all those present.
"I don't think this can be written easily," he added. "He asks her if they can run away together; she understands why he wants this but cannot abandon her role as queen."
The scene did not play out like this however - it was more than just an attempt at escape or rebellion against authority.
Krysten and Renly's conversation left no doubt about either one’s ambition or willingness to sacrifice others for personal gain yet neither fully absolved Krysten of responsibility for what happened next - a bond formed between them which would later lead them into common opposition against Renly.
In The Game Of Thrones, moral ambiguity was set within a blurry range similar to its predecessor series The Game Of Thrones where with each passing episode we see Renly becoming increasingly determined in controlling her life leading up to unintended consequences.
Renly and Krysten were both hurt by Renly’s selflessness - hurting both Alyson (who bore witness) and even herself (for keeping silent). This also explains why they would eventually choose together fight against Renly after all these sacrifices made without any remorse on part of hers nor anyone else involved
For another Targaryan figure once said “Love kills duty” Jon Snow heard Immon say this line which weighed heavily upon many characters including actors trapped in internal conflicts such as Kriston who appeared so noble before being tarnished by dreams shattered only then fell victim terrifying transformation
Asking how far open extremists like Damon will go capture theirs
In conclusion ,this event marks just beginning not end tensions between guardsman & princess nor imminent enmity that awaits confrontation between Kriston & Damon It seems unlikely peace will ever come