


每当夜幕降临,我们便会聚集在校园的一角,讲述着彼此的小秘密,或是分享着最新的八卦。那时,那些关于“85 c”流行歌曲、电影和电视剧的情怀,是我们共同语言的一部分。那些旋律依旧回荡在耳边,让人不禁想起那段逝去岁月。

summers we spent in the 80s. We were young, full of energy and curiosity. Our world was small but full of possibilities. Every night, we would gather under the stars, sharing our secrets and gossiping about the latest trends.

Those were the days when "85 c" music ruled our radios and cassette players. We would sing along to every word, imagining ourselves as the heroes in those catchy tunes. The memories are still so vivid - the laughter, the tears, the first loves... everything seemed so important back then.

As we grew older, life took us down different paths. Some of us pursued higher education while others entered the workforce. But no matter where fate led us, that carefree spirit remained with us always.

Now as I look back on those summers gone by, I am filled with a sense of nostalgia for those simple yet precious times. They may have been fleeting moments in our lives but they shaped who we are today.

So let's cherish these memories and hold them close to our hearts forevermore.